Dr. C. Dileep

Prof. Dr. C. Dileep
M. Sc., Ph. D.
Apsara, Kallisery R O., Chengannur – 689124.

Dr. C. Dileep is a Professor of the Department of Botany in SD College. He is actively engaged in the novel research areas of Phytobacteriology in general and Plant – Microbe interaction in particular. His interest mainly in the field of Characterization of Siderophores, Pyoverdine and Pyocyanin and developing of multiple drug resistant microbes especially Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria(PGPR). Dr. Dileep had published 20 research papers in world renowned journals with impact factor (IF). Two of his books were published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany in the field of Plant microbiology. 5 Genbank accessions of PGPR microbes are in his account .Dr. Dileep is the Life member of Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology and a member of Indian Phytopathological Society. He is a consultant of State Seed testing Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Kerala and many agricultural input manufacturing companies. He is a recognized Research guide in Botany of University of Kerala. Dr. Dileep had reported a new leaf disease in Rambutan plant first ever in India. He is serving as member of Mahatma Gandhi University PG board of studies in Botany. He also served as Member Committee of subject expert of curriculum committee, SCERT, Kerala. He is the Principal Investigator two UGC-MRP which were completed successfully.

Research Papers:

1. Dileep.C., Dileepkumar B.S., and H.C.Dube 1998. “Promotion of plant growth and    yield by two rhizoplane Fluorescent Pseudomonads”. Ind J. Exp.Biology 36 :    399-402.

2. Dileep.C., Dileepkumar B.S., and H.C.Dube 1998 “ Influence of aminoacids, organic acids and sugars on growth , fluorescence and siderophore  production of  fluorescent Pseudomonads “. Ind. J . Exp Biology 36 : 429- 431.

3. Dileep.C., Dileepkumar B.S., and H.C.Dube 1999 . “Disease suppression and    Plant growth promotion of peanut by antagonistic fluorescent Pseudomonas strain    FPC32 and FPO 4 in soil infested with collar rot fungi Aspergillus niger”.  Indian Phytopath. 52 (4): 415- 416

4. Dileep.C., Dileepkumar B.S., 2000 Influence of Metham -Sodium on suppression    collar rot disease of peanut , in vitro antibiosis , siderphore production and root    colonization by fluorescent Pseudomonad strain FPO4 “. Ind J. Exp Biology    38 :1245-1250

5. Dileep.C. 2010. Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia wilt of Brinjal (Solanum melongena)  by  Bacillus strain SR 4. J.Mycol.Pl.Pathol. 40(1):131-1356. Dileep.C 2013. First Report of a Leaf Disease of Rambutan( Nephelium lappaceum L.) plant in India. J.Plant Development Sciences 5 (3) :285-28

6.Dileep.C 2013. First Report of a Leaf Disease of Rambutan( Nephelium lappaceum L.)plant in India. J.Plant Development Sciences 5 (3) :285-286.

7. C.Dileep. 2013 Effect of Amino acids,Organic acids,Sugars,Iron and pH on  siderophore production by Two Antagonistic Fluorescent Pseudomonas Strains TR and FR2 from the Acidic Paddy Fields of Kerala. J.Mycol.Pl.Pathol. 43 (4):466-471  http://www.connectjournals.com/jmpp  

8. Kumar SN, Bala Nambisan and Dileep C (2014) Three bioactive cyclic dipeptides  from the Bacillus sp. N strain associated with Entomopathogenic nematode. Peptides. (DOI: 10.1016/j.peptides.2013.11.017)(Impact factor-2.5).53 (2014):59—69 www.elsevier.com/locate/peptides 

9. Kumar SN, Dileep C, Mohandas C, Nambisan B and Jayaprakas CA (2014) Cyclo ( D- Tyr-D-Phe): A new antibacterial, anticancer and antioxidant cyclic dipeptide from Bacillus sp. N strain associated with a rhabditid entomopathogenic nematode . Journal of Peptide science (DOI 10.1002/psc.2594) (Impact factor – 2.1): 20: 173–185. www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jpepsci/DOI10.1002/psc.2594  

10. J.N. Gorankla, S. Nishanth Kumar , G.V. Nisha , A.S. Sumandu , C. Dileep, A.Sudaresan , M.M. Sree Kumar , R.S. Lankalapalli and B.S. Dileep Kumar ,(2014) Purification and characterization of antifungal phenazines from a fluorescent Pseudomonas strain FPO4 against medically important fungi. Journal De Mycologie Médicale (Impact Factor-1.2).( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.mycmed.2014.02.003) 24:185-192  

11. S. Nishanth Kumar, , Jubi Jacob, Nisha G.V, Asha A, Dileep C and Dileep Kumar B.S.(2014) Investigation of antifungal activity of stilbenes alone and in combination with fluconazole against Candida albicans. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6 (4); 304-307

12. Sreerag RS, Dileep C, Kumar SN (2014) Antimycobacterial activity of crude extracts produced by Bacillus sp. associated with entomopathogenic nematode. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6(9) 140-142 (Impact factor-  1.54)

13. Kumar SN, Sreerag RS, Dileep Chandrasekaran, Bala Nambisan, Ruby John Anto (2014) Biocontrol of Aspergillus species on peanut kernels by antifungal diketopiperazine producing Bacillus cereus associated with entomopathogenic nematode. PLOS ONE.(Impact factor-4.2). August 2014 :9(8) www.plosone.org

Reviews and Abstracts

1 C.Dileep and B.S.Dileepkumar, 2013.”Plant Growth Promoting and Disease Supression Properties of Two Pseudomonas strains Isolated from Paddy fields of Kuttanad, Kerala”, J. Mycol Plant Pathol., Vol-43, No-1, Pages: 115. http://www.connectjournals.com/jmpp

2. A.S .Sumandu and C.Dileep,2015, Influence of Glyphosate on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria PRS-3 and PRP-5 Against Sheath Blight Supressive in Acidic Soil of Kuttanad, Kerala J.Mycol.Pl.Pathol. 45 (1): 97 http://www.connectjournals.com/jmpp

3. A.S. Sumandu and C. Dileep,2015 ,PGPR: An alternative to the chemical plant Protection. J.Mycol.Pl.Pathol. 45 (1): 97 http://www.connectjournals.com/jmpp

Gene Bank Acccession

1. Dileep KBS, Nishanth KS, Dileep C, Sundaresan A and Ravishanker L. (2013) Plant growth promoting rhizobacterial FP04 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence GenBank Accession No KF500003.

2. Dileep KBS, Nishanth KS, Dileep C, Sundaresan A (2013) Plant growth promoting Pseudomonas monteilii TR 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence GenBank Accession No KF712283

3. Dileep KBS, Nishanth KS, Dileep C, Sundaresan A (2013) Plant growth promoting Pseudomonas putida FR 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence GenBank Accession No KF712284

4. Dileep.C and Sumandu .A.S, (2015)Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PRS3 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence .GenBank Accession No KR061875.1

5. Dileep.C and Sumandu .A.S,(2015Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PRP5 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence .GenBank Accession No KR061876.1

Books Published

1. Dileep C, 2012 , Rhizosphere Fluorescent Pseudomonas – A New Perspective   Published by Lambert Academic Publishing , Saarbrucken,Germany. http://www.lap.publishing.com

2. Dileep.C, 2012, Plant Protection –An Integrated Approach . Published by   Lambert Academic Publishing , Saarbrucken, Germany. http://www.lap.publishing.com