



S.D. College has a well-defined, participatory and democratic administration system, which co-ordinates, implements and monitors the plans and policies of the institution in the academic and administrative realms.


Management Committee – The Management provides infrastructural facilities and necessary directives for the functioning of the College. They monitor the activities of the institution and ensure that the purpose of providing quality higher education to students is fulfilled.


The Manager – The Manager of the College is the appointing authority of all staff members and discharges his functions accordingly. The Manager engages in discussions with the administrative bodies of the institution, offering guidelines for day-to-day functioning and quality enhancement.


Liaison Officer – The Liaison Officer assists the Manager in the judicious implementation of policies. The liaison officer acts as a connecting link between the institutional staff and the Management; negotiating policy decisions, monitoring the utilization of resources and facilitating the administration process.


The Principal – The Principal, who is the administrative head of the institution, implements all policies and plans. The Principal coordinates the functions of the Management, the faculty, students and the administrative staff of the college.


The Vice-Principal – The Vice Principal discharges the duties of the Principal in his/her absence.


College Council – There is a College Council consisting of the Principal, Vice-Principal, Heads of the Departments, Librarian, Student Advisor and three elected members from teaching staff. The Council is the prime decision-making body within the institution. The Council members discuss and develop institutional plans, and assist the Principal in the daily activities of the College.


IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) – The IQAC makes recommendations about matters affecting the all-round performance of the college. It aims at quality enhancement and sustenance. Based on the recommendations of IQAC, Principal takes decisions on such matters in consultation with the Management.


CLMC (College Level Monitoring Committee) – The College Level Monitoring Committee (CLMC) is responsible for the effective implementation of CBCS System in the College. The CLMC monitors Internal Evaluation of students and ensures its transparency.


Heads of Departments, Administrative Staff and Faculty Members coordinate the day-to-day functioning of the College as per the directives of higher authorities. Committees and forums like the Discipline Committee, Anti-Ragging Cell and the Career Guidance and Placement Cell have been constituted under the leadership of faculty members to monitor the functioning of the institution. These committees ensure the smooth implementation of policy decisions. Many of them serve to organize and monitor student activities so that the latter benefit from the quality enhancement measures envisaged at the administerial level.