Dr. Jose Mathew

Dr. Jose Mathew
M.Sc., Ph. D (Assistant Professor)
Polachira Kunnumpuram Memury P.O. Manvettom, Kottayam Kerala 686611, India
Academic Achievements

First class secured in Schools, Higher Secondary, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Diploma

Awarded Post Doctoral Fellowship from SERB (DST-INDIA)

Ph. D in 2015 (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala)

More than 10 years of research experience (KFRI, Forestry College-KAU, Centre for Heritage Studies-Hill Palace, M.G. University and Kerala University)


Over 35 publications in national and international scientific journals

Over 15 conference papers in national and international seminars/symposia

Over 15 seminars/symposia attended

2 Book published; 1 in review. Three chapters in books.

Over 30 popular articles in magazines

Checklist of 3 major campus flora prepared