Best Practice I
“Fostering Higher Secondary Students’ interest in Basic Science”
1. Objectives of the Practice
The aims of the practice are,
• To enhance the scientific temper and inquiry-based learning in students
• To disseminate scientific education about the current issues of science and technology amongst the students and public.
• To create an investigative mind in students which is an integral prerequisite to learn Science.
• To up-skill and update the science talent and mathematical ability of Plus One students.
• To provide exposure to laboratory techniques and advanced equipment.
• To provides an opportunity for science aspirants to commune with the renowned scientists, visit research laboratories and to take part in seminars and lectures.
• To fuel Plus One students interest in Science.
• To give awareness on Career opportunities in Science.
• To promote experiment based learning and and reading of Scientific literature.
2. The Context
The present school education mainly focuses on preparation for professional courses such as Medicine and Engineering. In this context, it is very important to mould their aptitude and attitude towards pure and basic science which is very essential for nation building.
Sastrapatham is a training programme jointly organized by the Samagra Shiksha Kerala and the Department of Higher Secondary Education to develop interest in Mathematics and Science among first year students doing Higher Secondary course. The team of S.D.College teachers has played a crucial role in the successful conduct of this programme in the district of Alappuzha.
The Practice
In order to cultivate interest in students and to develop a scientific bent of mind ,the Basic Sciences Departments of S. D. College have successfully carried out a variety of programmes.
The Department of Chemistry, since 2017 has been arranging ATHSS (Analytical Techniques for Higher Secondary Students) Programme for higher secondary students to inspire the Higher Secondary science students to basic sciences. The teachers of S. D. College train the studens through providing enlightening lectures.
Another successful initiative is the ZOOM programme from Zoology department –the combined effort of the students of graduate, postgraduate and research levels under the guidance of the faculty of Zoology department. The programme comprises of exhibitions of rare specimens, talks by eminent personalities, intra and intercollegiate competitions, film shows on zoological themes etc.. Higher secondary students from around the schools were given significant exposure through the programme.
The Sastrapadham programme , a joint effort of SamagraShiksha Kerala and the Department of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala began in the academic year 2018-2019 and was planned to be conducted in each district of Kerala. S. D. College , being the premier institution of higher education under the University of Kerala, and being a forerunner in organizing programmes catering to the Higher Secondary students, has taken initiative in approaching the organizing departments of Sastrapadham to join hands with the programme. S. D. College was selected as one among the two colleges from Alappuzha District to conduct the programme.
Sastrapatham is organized for – for Plus-One students from the higher secondary schools of Alleppey district. 50 students are selected for each camp .
Each programme lasts for three days. The camp is in residential mode with 30 hours of activities . 5 groups are formed with 10 students in a group. Each group is mentored by a faculty member and a research scholar from the science department of the college. The camp has sessions on scientific awareness, history of science, biographies of scientists, and talks by experts on science. The students are exposed to lectures by eminent scientists from premier research and academic institutions on different areas of science and technology. They are allotted a mini project based on their choice of area. They are encouraged to present their project before the invited judges. The students perform hands on experiments in different laboratories under expert guidance. Field visit and nature awareness visits and visit to nearby research institutes are also arranged. Through library visits, students are given exposure to the world of scientific knowledge
Panel discussion on science communication and scientific temper, and a visit to Central Coir Research Institute were also organized in connection with the programme. Students visited highly equipped labs at CCRI and familiarized with R D programs of Coir Board for the development of Coir Industry. Nature walks were conducted along with these.
3. Evidence of Success
• From the collected feedback from students and mentors
• Five students were selected for state level camp and activities
• The programme was allotted to us in the subsequent year
• It was extended to the students of commerce stream.
• Changes in attitude towards basic sciences.
• Awareness about options other than medicine and engineering
4. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
• Lack of awareness about the programme on a wider scale.
• Number students who can be trained is limited.
• Clash with regular academic programmes.
• Limitations for boarding in the campus.
Best Practice II
‘Jeevanam’-Activity towards Social Responsibility
1. Objectives of the Practice
• To serve the society
• Opportunity for students to do community service
• To understand the community in which they live and to create a rapport with the community.
• To develop social and civic responsibility.
• To identify the problems and requirements of the local community and to find solutions
• To develop skills in mobilizing resources for community development.
• To develop disaster management skills
2. The Context
The National Service Scheme of Govt. of India , along with their formal education inculcates moral values, social responsibilities, and leadership qualities among students.The motto NOT ME BUT YOU itself speaks volumes on what this voluntary organization can do to the society.
The NSS unit of SD College (Unit No 40 A B) executes programmes that develop hvalues and ethics in students.. One such initiative of NSS unit during the year 2018-19 is the JEEVANAM programme. Sanathanam Sumangali programme of the previous year too was a success (organising the marriage of two underprivileged and poor girls of MahilaMandiram, Alappuzha). This service was rendered in association with ‘MahilaMandiram’and Alappuzha Muncipal Corporation with the support of the management, and the whole college. In continuation to this type of programmes, the Jeevanam programme, meaning survival against circumstances, was initiated as the megaproject for this year.
Under the guidance of the programme officers camps, the NSS and NCC units collected relief materials and distributed in the flood affected areas. They participated in cleaning drives in flood affected areas as well . In association with the local body the student volunteers executed a special programme like Kuttanadinouru Kaithang”.
Also a number of life supporting programmes are being initiated under “SWASTI” – a committee organized in the college for supporting people .
3. The Practice
• A mega project was planned based on the discussions and suggestions from various corners.. A committee under the supervision of the programme officers chose Sri Unnikrishna Pillai, resident of Vadackal, Sanatanapuram as the beneficiary. Sri Unnikrishna Pillai had met with an accident and lost his relatives . He lost his autorikshaw in the accident..
He suffered serious injury and his mental condition got destabilized and was finding it very difficult to support his family of five.
Fund was raised from the kindhearted from inside and outside the campus and the management. The autorikshaw was handed over in a function by the Hon.Manager of S D College, Sri. P Krishnakumar.
SWASTI donated an amount of Rs.22000/- to a girl student of B.Sc. Chemistry for the treatment (brain tumour) of her mother. A student of BA History was given Rs. 50,000/- for the renovation of her flood-damaged house. 20 students from various departments of the college were given financial help as flood relief. One of the guest faculty from a poor economic background was supported through SWASTI on the occasion of her marriage. The medical treatment (Leukemia) of the sister of a student of BSc Chemistry, was supported by an amount of Rs. 51000/. Financial support was given to selected students from English, Malayalam, Hindi, Commerce, Chemistry and Botany for educational purpose. A total of Rs.69,600/- was handed over in total.
4. Evidence of Success
• SD college NSS unit is being continuously selected as the best NSS unit in the University level. The programme officers are also identified as the best programme officers frequently. This year too, the unit bagged both the awards.
• Mr. UnnikrishanaPillai is now leading a good life on account of the support provided to him. The NSS volunteers are planning to build a house for another beneficiary under the programme “SanathanaBhavanam” in the year 2019-20.
5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
• Selection of the appropriate beneficiary was really a challenge.
• Fund raising was a major concern for executing the programme.
1. Objectives of the Practice
The aims of the practice are,
• To enhance the scientific temper and inquiry-based learning in students
• To disseminate scientific education about the current issues of science and technology amongst the students and public.
• To create an investigative mind in students which is an integral prerequisite to learn Science.
• To up-skill and update the science talent and mathematical ability of Plus One students.
• To provide exposure to laboratory techniques and advanced equipment.
• To provides an opportunity for science aspirants to commune with the renowned scientists, visit research laboratories and to take part in seminars and lectures.
• To fuel Plus One students interest in Science.
• To give awareness on Career opportunities in Science.
• To promote experiment based learning and and reading of Scientific literature.
2. The Context
The present school education mainly focuses on preparation for professional courses such as Medicine and Engineering. In this context, it is very important to mould their aptitude and attitude towards pure and basic science which is very essential for nation building.
Sastrapatham is a training programme jointly organized by the Samagra Shiksha Kerala and the Department of Higher Secondary Education to develop interest in Mathematics and Science among first year students doing Higher Secondary course. The team of S.D.College teachers has played a crucial role in the successful conduct of this programme in the district of Alappuzha.
The Practice
In order to cultivate interest in students and to develop a scientific bent of mind ,the Basic Sciences Departments of S. D. College have successfully carried out a variety of programmes.
The Department of Chemistry, since 2017 has been arranging ATHSS (Analytical Techniques for Higher Secondary Students) Programme for higher secondary students to inspire the Higher Secondary science students to basic sciences. The teachers of S. D. College train the studens through providing enlightening lectures.
Another successful initiative is the ZOOM programme from Zoology department –the combined effort of the students of graduate, postgraduate and research levels under the guidance of the faculty of Zoology department. The programme comprises of exhibitions of rare specimens, talks by eminent personalities, intra and intercollegiate competitions, film shows on zoological themes etc.. Higher secondary students from around the schools were given significant exposure through the programme.
The Sastrapadham programme , a joint effort of SamagraShiksha Kerala and the Department of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala began in the academic year 2018-2019 and was planned to be conducted in each district of Kerala. S. D. College , being the premier institution of higher education under the University of Kerala, and being a forerunner in organizing programmes catering to the Higher Secondary students, has taken initiative in approaching the organizing departments of Sastrapadham to join hands with the programme. S. D. College was selected as one among the two colleges from Alappuzha District to conduct the programme.
Sastrapatham is organized for – for Plus-One students from the higher secondary schools of Alleppey district. 50 students are selected for each camp .
Each programme lasts for three days. The camp is in residential mode with 30 hours of activities . 5 groups are formed with 10 students in a group. Each group is mentored by a faculty member and a research scholar from the science department of the college. The camp has sessions on scientific awareness, history of science, biographies of scientists, and talks by experts on science. The students are exposed to lectures by eminent scientists from premier research and academic institutions on different areas of science and technology. They are allotted a mini project based on their choice of area. They are encouraged to present their project before the invited judges. The students perform hands on experiments in different laboratories under expert guidance. Field visit and nature awareness visits and visit to nearby research institutes are also arranged. Through library visits, students are given exposure to the world of scientific knowledge
Panel discussion on science communication and scientific temper, and a visit to Central Coir Research Institute were also organized in connection with the programme. Students visited highly equipped labs at CCRI and familiarized with R D programs of Coir Board for the development of Coir Industry. Nature walks were conducted along with these.
3. Evidence of Success
• From the collected feedback from students and mentors
• Five students were selected for state level camp and activities
• The programme was allotted to us in the subsequent year
• It was extended to the students of commerce stream.
• Changes in attitude towards basic sciences.
• Awareness about options other than medicine and engineering
4. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
• Lack of awareness about the programme on a wider scale.
• Number students who can be trained is limited.
• Clash with regular academic programmes.
• Limitations for boarding in the campus.
Best Practice III
‘Jeevanam’-Activity towards Social Responsibility
1. Objectives of the Practice
• To serve the society
• Opportunity for students to do community service
• To understand the community in which they live and to create a rapport with the community.
• To develop social and civic responsibility.
• To identify the problems and requirements of the local community and to find solutions
• To develop skills in mobilizing resources for community development.
• To develop disaster management skills
2. The Context
The National Service Scheme of Govt. of India , along with their formal education inculcates moral values, social responsibilities, and leadership qualities among students.The motto NOT ME BUT YOU itself speaks volumes on what this voluntary organization can do to the society.
The NSS unit of SD College (Unit No 40 A B) executes programmes that develop hvalues and ethics in students.. One such initiative of NSS unit during the year 2018-19 is the JEEVANAM programme. Sanathanam Sumangali programme of the previous year too was a success (organising the marriage of two underprivileged and poor girls of MahilaMandiram, Alappuzha). This service was rendered in association with ‘MahilaMandiram’and Alappuzha Muncipal Corporation with the support of the management, and the whole college. In continuation to this type of programmes, the Jeevanam programme, meaning survival against circumstances, was initiated as the megaproject for this year.
Under the guidance of the programme officers camps, the NSS and NCC units collected relief materials and distributed in the flood affected areas. They participated in cleaning drives in flood affected areas as well . In association with the local body the student volunteers executed a special programme like Kuttanadinouru Kaithang”.
Also a number of life supporting programmes are being initiated under “SWASTI” – a committee organized in the college for supporting people .
3. The Practice
• A mega project was planned based on the discussions and suggestions from various corners.. A committee under the supervision of the programme officers chose Sri Unnikrishna Pillai, resident of Vadackal, Sanatanapuram as the beneficiary. Sri Unnikrishna Pillai had met with an accident and lost his relatives . He lost his autorikshaw in the accident..
He suffered serious injury and his mental condition got destabilized and was finding it very difficult to support his family of five.
Fund was raised from the kindhearted from inside and outside the campus and the management. The autorikshaw was handed over in a function by the Hon.Manager of S D College, Sri. P Krishnakumar.
SWASTI donated an amount of Rs.22000/- to a girl student of B.Sc. Chemistry for the treatment (brain tumour) of her mother. A student of BA History was given Rs. 50,000/- for the renovation of her flood-damaged house. 20 students from various departments of the college were given financial help as flood relief. One of the guest faculty from a poor economic background was supported through SWASTI on the occasion of her marriage. The medical treatment (Leukemia) of the sister of a student of BSc Chemistry, was supported by an amount of Rs. 51000/. Financial support was given to selected students from English, Malayalam, Hindi, Commerce, Chemistry and Botany for educational purpose. A total of Rs.69,600/- was handed over in total.
4. Evidence of Success
• SD college NSS unit is being continuously selected as the best NSS unit in the University level. The programme officers are also identified as the best programme officers frequently. This year too, the unit bagged both the awards.
• Mr. UnnikrishanaPillai is now leading a good life on account of the support provided to him. The NSS volunteers are planning to build a house for another beneficiary under the programme “SanathanaBhavanam” in the year 2019-20.
5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
• Selection of the appropriate beneficiary was really a challenge.
• Fund raising was a major concern for executing the programme.