Dr. Ashok Kumar M.G. is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Sanatana Dharma College. He has over 15 years of experience teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Mathematics from the University of Kerala (awarded in 2021) and a Master’s Degree from CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology). He has journal publications and conference presentations to his credit. Dr. Ashok Kumar M.G. has held academic and administrative positions in his career – as the Chairman of UG and PG Board of Examinations, University of Kerala and as Member of the Admission Committee, S. D. College. At present, he is the Treasurer of P.T.A, S.D. College; a member of the College IQAC and Coordinator of the College Website Committee. He is also a Member of academic bodies like the Board of Future Studies, University of Kerala and the Academic Committee of Mathematics, S.N. Open University.
Algebra, Functional Analysis
- Dr. Ashok Kumar M.G. organized the programme “Initiation into Mathematics” at the college level in collaboration with National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM) in 2013.